Frequently Asked Questions About E-Liquids

Frequently Asked Questions About E-Liquids

As technology continues to bring us the latest tobacco products, e-cigarette users now find themselves faced with a product they may not fully understand – which leads to this article.

Here we’ll look at e-liquids and answer some common questions, such as:

1. What is e-liquid made of?

The e-cigarette industry complies with all regulations like any other legal company. Every ingredient is labeled on every product package and clearly displayed to every consumer.

Vegetable Glycerin vs Propylene Glycol

The core of e-liquid is two substances: vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol.

E-liquid content

  • Vegetable glycerin , commonly known as VG, is a substance extracted from natural plant oils. This compound has been recognized by the FDA as a "generally recognized as safe substance" and it helps e-cigarette users feel the strong feeling with each puff.
  • Propylene glycol , or PG for short, is a byproduct of petroleum. The substance is colorless and odorless. PG is most commonly used to contain nicotine and flavor concentrates in e-cigarette liquids.

2. How to store e-liquid?

E-liquid is a new substance and most users don’t have much experience with it. This liquid often confuses new users. Some common issues include:

  • How long does e-liquid last?
  • Can I freeze it?

First, let’s talk about how to properly store e-liquid. Essentially, there are three enemies to the freshness of e-liquid.

  1. Air
  2. hot
  3. Light

Exposure to any of these elements can severely affect your e-liquid. Nicotine and vegetable glycerin will begin to oxidize, and the flavor will become bland or sour. E-cigarette enthusiasts who prefer sweet and fruity flavors are all too familiar with this sour taste. So, how long can e-liquid last? That depends on how you store it.

Cutting Edge

Here are some storage tips that are sure to come in handy:

  • Find a dry, cool place to store your e-liquid.
  • Store the juice away from sunlight.
  • If you need long-term storage, the refrigerator is your best choice.
  • For best storage, use a dark glass container to block out as much light as possible.

Some people believe that cold temperatures can negatively affect taste. However, when it comes to long-term storage, the refrigerator is the best tool we have. It is worth noting that e-liquids will not freeze in a home refrigerator because their freezing point is much lower. Please note that e-liquids should always be given some time to return to room temperature before using them.

3. Will e-liquid go bad?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. First, it’s important to define what we mean by “bad.” In many ways, products do age. Let’s look at the aging process of e-liquid.

E-liquids are classified as long-life products. This means that the product does not contain ingredients that will spoil at room temperature. If stored properly, these products can achieve a long shelf life. Generally speaking, consumers should plan to enjoy their e-liquids within 1-2 years of purchasing them. There are several factors to consider here.

When does e-liquid expire?

Always take a quick look at the packaging before purchasing or consuming a product.

It's important to remember that shelf life is based on how well the product holds up under optimal storage conditions. The average user will most likely perceive the shelf life to be shorter than they think. In short, the sooner the better. If you're not willing to take the extra steps for proper storage, it's best to buy in small quantities and use up your stock quickly.

The shelf life of an e-liquid is often a reflection of the quality of the product. When it comes to flavoring, natural flavorings are thought to oxidize and break down more easily than artificial flavorings. However, low-quality e-liquids are thought to break down faster than high-quality e-liquids.

4. How do I know if the e-liquid has gone bad?

Visual symptoms

Observe the appearance. "Healthy" e-liquids usually have a uniform appearance and consistency. Use this as a reference when comparing e-liquids. Look at the e-liquid in question and see if you can spot any key differences. You may find that older e-liquids may have a completely different texture or consistency. 

Old juice can be altered in two ways:

  1. A juice might separate into different layers, oils will separate, and the overall appearance will change drastically.
  2. Other materials may begin to clump together or even form solid fragments within the liquid.

Whatever the case, it’s important to recognize these as signs of expiration. Many users find that their e-liquid turns brown as the product ages. This isn’t a good sign for the health of the e-liquid, but it’s nothing to worry about for your health. It’s completely normal for e-liquid to turn brown over time.

Taste and smell symptoms

Next, let’s look at smell and taste. Unlike the visual effects of the liquid, smell and taste are more subjective and require some expertise. Experienced e-cigarette users are more likely to taste off flavors in the e-liquid than novices.

When tasting, one way to start is to look at the intensity of the flavor. Anecdotally, some users report that they find the flavor of aged juice superior to that of new juice. They believe that the flavors have more time to develop and darken, resulting in a more enjoyable experience. However, this only goes so far. Every juice at some point passes the point of no return.

At this point, even experienced vapers should start to get confused. Another quick test is the smell test. Again, experienced users will find this easier than new users, but make sure the juice has a good smell. Old juice will most likely give off an unpleasant odor that most people can recognize.

Eventually, over time, the compounds in e-liquids will inevitably break down. There is no way to truly prevent the effects of aging. As a product ages, many of the desirable properties are lost. E-liquids will lose the nicotine concentration in the product, which can leave users feeling unsatisfied.

Additionally, the flavors selected by consumers can deteriorate or become diluted, leaving an undesirable taste. Users are left with a product that appears safe but has no value or flavor.

in conclusion

There isn't a lot of published literature on the topic, and some users simply aren't experienced enough to recognize the signs of expired products. Just because a product is safe to eat doesn't mean it's safe to use.

We all deserve to enjoy the best quality e-cigarettes. When purchasing e-liquid, always check the packaging. Hopefully, as awareness of the issue of e-liquid expiration increases, we can reduce the amount of expired e-liquid on the market and return to using only the freshest, best products.

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